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Law Office of Amanda Johnson, LLC

Practice Areas

Family Law


The firm handles all types of cases in family law, from parenting plans and domestic violence issues to dissolutions.  Some cases are resolved quickly to the satisfaction of both parties, while other cases are more contentious and may go to trial.  In either case, the firm will be there for you every step of the way.  This can be an intimidating process, and it helps to have someone who can explain the next steps and help you through the more emotional moments.


Estate Planning


Writing a will is a stressful exercise.  No one wants to think about their own demise, but it is important to provide instructions and care for those left behind after your death.  A successful estate plan is one that carries out the wishes of the testator.  The firm provides living wills and powers of attorney so that you can have some modicum of control over your medical care and finances should you become incapacitated.  The firm also drafts wills and trusts to distribute assets in the manner you wish, as well as plans for the care of minor children and others in your household- including pets!  Finally, the firm can handle probating an estate once a client or one who has not previously worked with the firm has passed on.


Business Planning


Beginning a business and choosing the correct form for that business are enormous undertakings in anyone's life.  Don't leave matters such as decisionmaking, tie breaking in ownership voting situations, and tax issues to chance.  Plan your business as a successful one from the very beginning, and when you encounter issues later (either good or bad) you will have a plan in place for dealing with them.

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